公主的初戀[金善雅 KIM SIN A 蘇翅燮] 1-30集(全) 國語發音 簡體中文字幕版(韓國連續劇)(2DVD)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
第一片:1-15集 第二片:16-30集(完) 看不夠的青春故事,夢不完的人間煙火...... 在此劇中,蘇志燮扮演一位帥氣的玩具開發室的機器人設計師,對自己標很嚴格,處處 追隨求完美,因此成為開發室人眾多美女的愛慕對像﹔而祂只對單純善良的服裝設計師 雲善雅情有獨衷。沒想到祂的老同學權五半路殺入玩具開發室,成為祂的同事的同時, 也成為一道追求善雅的情敵。精彩的故事就在這幾位俊男靚女之間展開。 In this day, a shady'play smart soys development Room robot desiger, very strict repuirements for themselves.always striving for perfection, as many beautiful women in the development of indoor love;His only good for one day only cloud Jacques Qingyouduzhong good.I did not expect him to the right of a classmate killed halfway into the five-room development toys, as his colleagues at the same time. Blair also">